
It's raining outside.
Yes, it's raining outside.
Revealing the vault where my insecurities lied.
The loneliness and hurt of being cast aside.
A long-standing thought which I've always denied.

The air is so cold.
Yes, it's so very cold.
Can't let anyone know what that vault will hold.
When my string of lies begins to unfold.
I shouldn't feel this. At least, that's what I'm told.

I'm feeling the wind.
Yes, I feel the wind.
Remembering the days when my personality was skinned.
And every little mistake had me chagrined.
Didn't even know society had me pinned.

It's raining outside.
It's raining outside.
Showing me that everyone's lied.
I can deal with life, insecurities aside.
It's too short not to be happy, and it's raining outside.