Time Bomb

Drugs are a horrible thing.
An excuse,or better yet a path to death.
You stare down at your arm and then down at the syringe.
Take a deep breath.


The needle pushes through,the addiction rushing through your body,
it can't be stopped.
The burning,the urge for more.
You try to resist,but you can not.


Another dose and you feel as if you can fly,
the happiness with everything else numb.
You used to be so smart but now you're nothing,but dumb.


You think hard,wanting to stop,knowing that you can't,
you take a look in the mirror and see someone different,
your worst fear.
One quick blade across your wrist as your eyes fill with tears.


You realize you have nothing more to live for.
you've screwed your life over,abandoned your family
and lost your friends.
You stick the needle in one time more to put it to an end.
