Darkened Words and I am Killed

Hate seems to be what we are really sharing. As if we could have been happy. We were stupid to think that this would last forever. Forever is only days in a child’s eyes. And we are both children at heart. It’s true that we shared love for a short time. But love is so distant right now. I waited so long for your attention, and when I got it I smiled with passion. But you are gone now, and I know you probably wont be back. Our beautiful words turn to words that would kill even the innocent. And I pray every second that god will help us through the night. The nights that used to be filled with pleasant laughter that our hearts appreciated. Now these nights are pitch black and silent. The ones I am now getting used to, but the ones that grow lonely even with the beauty of music in my ears. The reflection of past memories fly through my eyes and I try not to cry. As if I had a choice? Tears are weakness, and as I grow weak I fight to hide it from you. Crying is always better on the inside, and inside I feel as if im dying. If only I was...it would be beautiful to be in that once peaceful place we both were in before. I miss you and you know it. My summer is turning to a dark winter and my heart is turning to ice as I speak. Hold on to sweet memories, and be careful what you say to me. If words could kill they would, and you are digging my grave as you say these things out loud. I am truly sorry that you didn’t change your ways. And I am truly sorry that I loved you for it. Grace and beauty are among us like death but we aren’t fortunate to hold it in our hands. Thank you for your words that fade, and swallow me everyday. Thank you for the things that held me up and dropped me as you’d say, “I love you”. Tragic magic and I am dying. Sorry for your year of lying. Set me free so I can be, another one of your memories.
