
~As these raindrops soak my clothes~
What they hit is beyond physical;
Every raindrop is a tear of
My own and that of the sky's
And the stinging sensation isn't
Enough to make me leave this
Spot which is filled with many
Heartfelt memories between
You and I
So I'll stand in the rain
My head fogged and filled
With all the things we did on that
Rainy day
Where I first met you
Where you first met me
Where we shared our first kiss
Where...we fell in love
So I'll stay here and brave the rain
Even though everyone's gone and
Told me it's time for me to go as well
I deny their worried request
Because it is my heart that is not satisfied
It was broken here, in this very
Spot that I stand in, crushed by
The person I thought I loved, -
It was you
You are the reason as to why I
Stand here, crying your name out
And staring at the 'Keep-Out' tape
Covering the entirety of your house
I'll keep crying until the day you
Decide and realize that the choice
You had made was a stupid one
And you regret leaving everyone
Behind, thinking only of yourself
And killing what I once was
Leaving behind a crippled human
Who's emotions were torn apart
Who's Heart was ripped out
Who...Stands here waiting
Waiting for the one I once told
That I loved, who I now
Detest with all the hate in the world
Yet...with all that hate you
Somehow find a way to...
To make me love you
After all that you've made me suffer
And that in which I will keep on
Suffering for, I'll never forget
That wonderful day, where our
First kiss was shared, and you told me
"I love you"...
So I'll stand in the rain,
My heart longing for you to
Come and say 'I love you' one last time
And I'll stand and brave the harshest of
Rain, waiting until the day
You come back home, because
Deep inside, I know you will
~One day...~