The Thoughts of a Nobody

There is no heart beating
There are no feelings
There is nothing inside me
Why can't I remember…who I used to be?
This key…where did it come from?
All I see is darkness
No hope, no light, no warmth
Just cold unfeeling darkness
My eyes can't see the truth
My mind is whirling with confusion
What am I?
Who am I?
…A nobody?
This is what I am?
An empty shell with no emotions
No heart, nothing
How do I exist?
I need to know who I am
Not what my name is
But who my identity is
Otherwise…this existence is…nothing
As…am I…I suppose

Turning my back, away from the one who cared
Though he held no heart, no emotion
He was like me, and made me feel whole
My best friend, this is where I say goodbye
Memories of our time together
Flooding my mind, a pang of sorrow
Looking at him, I quietly stand there
"Maybe I'll see you again in the next life" he said
"Yeah, I'll be waiting" I recall saying
"Silly, just because you have a next life" was all
That was said before he went away
This is the end of my story
My short existence, my destiny is over
The end of my summer vacation