One Day.

Can you tell,
When somethings wrong?
When your friends are down?
When their faces are long??

Are you the type to realise,
That there is bad being done?
That wars are being lost?
That its the dying of the sun?

Have you ever thought,
That you would rather be dead?
Rather be asleep forever,
Kick in your own shed?

Ever asked yourself,
who are your real friends?
Who actually cheers you up?
Who you know you can depend?

Can you remember,
When you watched those beside you?
When their hearts were broken?
And there was nothing you could do?

Can you admit,
That you've not been there?
You just stood and you watched,
With not a care?

Have you asked,
whether your friend is ok?
That they aren't dying inside,
That you haven't ruined there day?

One day you will listen,
One day you will think,
One day you'll understand,
One day you'll see the link.