
He's scarred me mentally,
The wounds are deep,
He comes and finds me,
While I sleep.

His face, his eyes,
Remembered so well,
His glasses, his hair,
Haunt me, who can I tell?

I can't look out of the window,
Can't stand near the door,
He's not going away,
I know this for sure.

The stupid idiot,
Ruined 2009,
People ask how I am.
I have to say fine.

Inside I'm scared.
Afraid of his face.
He invaded my privacy,
Invaded my space.

The cheek of doing it,
How dare he dare?
Walking right in,
But why would he care?

I heard him, I saw him,
What was I to think?
But when he walked in,
My heart did nothing but sink.

He scared me that day,
As he does now.
I have visions of him coming,
Oh holy cow.

The sound of anything,
The cat flap, the door.
The creak of a floor board,
My heart sinks through the floor.

Day and night,
He's there in my head.
I hate him, that puffer man,
I want him dead.

He could of done anything,
Hurt me in a different way,
But he did hurt me,
And the hurt won't go away.