A Memory two

YunHo's mind/

I'm here sitting in our once shared bedroom.
Laing on the bed, and ChangMin walks in and says, "Hey *hyung just came to say goodnight...night..."

"OK now get to bed little one..."

"yes appa" the little punk said in a sarcastic tone,"..hyung..."


"..love you good night," then he quickly shuts the door and runs back to his own room down the hall.

I laugh a little at his cuteness, and whisper "i love you too.."

after about 10 minutes Junsu and Yoochun come to our room, "hyung" they say in unison (together)

"yes..." already knowing what they're going to say.

"just came to say night" Yoochun says

"yes and goodnight you two now go to bed"

" yes appa" they said together sarcastically just as ChangMin did.
"hey hyung" JunSu said "love you now sleep tight"
and pulling Yoochun with him they go to there shared bedroom on the opposite side of the hall than CangMin's room.
and once again i laugh a little at there cuteness.

I lay back down on the bed and stare at the sealing for awhile and then close my eyes.

i was about to fall asleep when i hear the door open again i sit up and stare at the open door with no one there, i get out of bed to see if any one was outside the door and there was no one...

thinking it was just the wind i close the door, go back to bed and once again before i was about to fall asleep i hear you faintly saying " goodnight... and i love you"
not knowing if i was dreaming i shot out of bed and now I'm standing in the middle of the room looking around.

After looking around the room a little i go back to bed but before i lay down i whisper,...

"... Jae... i miss you..." and fall asleep to hope to meet you in my dreams.