Blood Moon

Blood Moon

Red and crimson colors burst from clouds
Of hidden anger and tears
The wind blows the restless leaves across the road
And flies up to kiss the black sky
Crisp air keeps us warm
As we clasp hands and snuggle closer
We sit on our blanket of love and trust
We know how we feel
Even though the rest of the world
Says that it wont last
Let me lean against you
And tell you my hopes, dreams, and
Hold me as I cry, as I laugh, and when I
Tell me that you love me no matter
What I look like or who my friends are
Love me for me
And if you do
Then come sit on this blanket with me
Hold me as if our hearts beat as one
And we can watch as the Earth pours all
Of its sadness, hate, lies, abuse, and darkness
Onto the blood moon.