Gone like a butterfly

I hate her for what she’s done
He struggled hard trying to break free
I’ll pull him close but want him closer
He’s had it tough so I’ll make this easy
Next to super pin I got flittering butterflies
Lips brush as we both start to understand
By interruption saved from ourselves

I found small soft kisses
And touches in perfect place
I see him smile and skip my heartbeat
Forgive anything he tells me now
He says he wants out of his duds
I’ll be there but it’s his will
I am mature! I’ll scream
I admit it’s too early for love
But whatever’s there I likey!

Went back to his, and my heart beat’s wild
Sat on his bed, got up close to him
My tummy hurts ?
Meat loaf and the monster’s loose
We lean in and I’m the one who’s by him
A kiss can say a million emotions through its touch
But his said too much to understand right then
Wet and then dry, sweet taste and I’m drowning
Swap sides and start again

Meat loaf and the monster’s still loose
I lean back as he leans forward
Not to say stop more to say get closer
My arms around him and his around me
Yummy...The mixture of smoke and him
I lean forward to be on top but pull back
He leans forward and I don’t resist
Want him closer but how close it too close right now?
Don’t care at the moment….me likey!