The River of Why

From captivity she fled
Her legs like wings
Away from the stage
She was a puppet on strings

As she did run
She tried not to cry
Tripped over a stone
Near the River of Why

"Oh, River," she asked
"How could they do this to me?"
"Silly girl," replied the River
"I'm not How, can't you see?"

"Don't mix me up
With somebody other
You've been mistaken
The Tree of How is my brother."

"Oh, River," she cried
"I'm so sorry, I am
I'm just so lost
No one holding my hand."

"I've been through so much
Yet seen so little
I'm only a puppet
I'm just so brittle."

"Dear child," cooed the River
"You're stronger than you think
Give it some time
You'll find your missing link."

"I guess you are right
Oh, River of Why."
She stood, thanked him
And with no need to cry...

She walked away until
She was but a tiny sliver
She never came back again
To see that wise River