The Last Person to Live

A man will die,
way long after you are born.
He will live his life,
yet be unable to be mourned.
His last moment which can be summarized,
which was amazing at best,
was quiet and reserved,
as if the world was at rest.

Everyone was at rest,
him being the last person alive,
loneliness was a pest,
and it made him feel deprived.
Crying with no one,
he started to drift away,
letting go his last breath,
"I wish this hour was not today,
for having someone or something would be a better display..."

See, the day that he died,
the world was decrepit and old.
His friends he once had,
had died a long time ago.
Three months was the day he saw the last of them that died,
it was the last day he could remember, the same as this, that he cried.

People were dying everyday and all around him,
they were the last generation,
but he was the very last person alive,
being a part of what will be a dead nation.
He will die alone,
with no one like me or you,
and will have nothing to feel,
but hurt from life's ending dew.

Think of this day and wonder who this will be,
for it is inevitable and is in a moment's last plea.
One change can cause anyone to be the last one to die,
whether man or woman,
they will be the last person with an unknown ending in time.