Quotes Not Poems

I wish I saved all those tears I cried when you left, so I could just drown you in them.
-Allison Case(MY BFF)

It hurts the most when you smile, have fun and laugh, but keep the pain inside.
-Melody Scarlette Kunoichi(ME)

You may call me whatever you like, but I'm still taking your cake.
-L Lawliet

Sometimes darkness, is the only thing that keeps one alive.
-UNKNOWN(I found it on photobucket)

Say it to my face, then maybe I'll care.
- Melody Scarlette Kunoichi

Intelligence is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire.
-William Butler Yeats

Who do you chose? Me or those other girls you cheat on me with behind my back? I already know the answer, so don't tell me. You've already hurt me enough.
-Melody Scarlette Kunoichi

Life stinks, especially the good times, because then you know that a bad time is going to crash down on you the second everything's alright again.
-Melody Scarlette Kunoichi

Stop, treating me like a child, I'm, and independent person., When, will you figure out, That, Nobody's perfect?
-Melody Sacrlette Kunoichi

A smile is the easiest way to say that you're happy.
-Melody Scarlette Kunoichi

Stop waiting and start trying.
-Melody Scarlette Kunoichi

The best way to do something, is to do it.
-Amelia Earhart

Live your life well, because I can't. Farewell.
- Melody Scarlette Kunoichi