Hurt but not Broken

The longer we are apart,the more I hurt.I want to see you again.I need to hold you again.I would sacrifice a friend to touch you.I would sacrifice myslef to mske you happy.Sometimes when we are not together I have no way of communicating with you in any way.It's as if the tortures of life are testing the strength of our relationship.It is powerful this I know for a fact.I get an empty feeling inside when you are not with me.I pray and pray for you to appear but the answers are never quite clear.I would run away if I could from all of this misery but I could never see you again.Without you there is no point in my existence.As long as you walk the Earth I will continue.But if we are not together...I will exist in misery.Hurt because you won't be there.Never broken because I know that you are out there...somewhere.