
You were my summer romance that lasted into the autumn
The snowflake that stuck with me
The new raindrops on my window
We change, just like the seasons

It was a strong feeling
But I never would have guessed love
It seemed that drifting apart was easy
And soon was done

We broke it off
No sound on the line
Tears filled our eyes
Breathing, even came hard

A few years later
You were still on my mind
Fresh off the press
Your words echoed softly:

'Even if the wind stops blowing
And if the mountains never bow
You’ll know I still love you
By the calming breath; the sound'

More time pasted
My feelings never left
Then I saw something
That simply broke me

A quiet poem was printed
In that horrible black and white
Under your name spoken
In the dead of night

Had you really left me?
In body and spirit too?
Your words echoed in my head
‘I will always love you’

My eyes filled with tears
My face became swollen
A tear drifted down my cheek
I screamed out in sadness

I fell onto my bed
Feeling like I would never see light again
I turned my head into my pillow
And scream those words knowing:

‘You will hear my voice until my death
You will love me until forever
You will tuck me in every night
You will be my everything, for the rest of my life’

I cried until what seemed to be the end
But I smiled even on my dieing bed
I got to be with you once again

My death may bring tears to your eyes
But I will be forever, loved
And never truly die