Every Once in a While

Every once in a great while

A girl likes to stop and change her style

Drop the old sadness and longing

Start feeling of love and belonging

Meet a nice smart handsome guy

Makes her mind blank when she becomes shy

Blushing at his flirty complements

Flirting back growing confident

Watch him walk away, but wanting more

Can’t stop thinking of a guy she can’t ignore

Counting down the seconds until he arrives

And once he gets there, send sparkles in her eyes

When together it’s all smiles

The attractions send feelings for miles

Everyone can see it, they know it’s true

That feeling they have. One shares so few

The way he looks at her, careful but curious

Never realizing how deep and serious

This beautiful mess could become

How much he could like someone

And she’s oblivious, just looking for a start

To begin again to restart her heart

Hope lays heavy over these careless lovers

The world lays open, always theirs

Wait and see what will happen

When he starts anew and she lives again