
Have you ever felt so lonely?
So lonely as to talk to yourself to hear a voice,
or to never wan to wake up from your dreams where at least you aren't alone.
Have you ever felt so lonely that crying wouldn't be enough to release all the emotion you have built up inside?
The saddeness.
The resentment.
The pure rage.
Have you ever been so lonely, so truly lonely, that not even your friends could help you anymore?
Where you thought that even God would have trouble feeling the void inside you?
Where the pain of loves lost and words smudged crawl and creep through your head at every second of every day, and all you want to do is rip them to peices?

When you think about it, most people haven't felt this degree of lonliness, or at least that's what they want you to think.
But then again, one can only hope that God would fill the void, if that person even believes in him.
All we have and all we can do are two very different things.
We can see
and speak the lives of others,
but sometimes all we can do is wait for the lonliness to go away.