
I Love to sing
I wish writing was my dream
When i sing it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside
Writing to me feels like an open door of Imagination for my thoughts to flow in.
Drumming is my passion and i love it all to well
Somedays when i cant get anything right i think a curse was put on me or a spell.
I do believe in magic
i believe there is good magic and dark hex magic
i have a few gifts i weild but magic is not one of them.
Im a great cook
Sometimes i have to use a book
I can decorate wonderful cakes
Give me a few hours and they'll be at your gate.
Im in college for 2 years
I was in Baking & Pastry Arts but now switched to Culinary Arts.
My Dream for one day when i get out of College is to get into a business and learn more
I hope my dream comes true!

Please feel free to comment this is my first one so it probably sucks lol srry. Good or bad comments plz i need all the comments i can get. Thank you