Glad I Found You When I Did

things were good aNd easy when we met/i didn’t thInk what we had/would eventually/turn into what we have/©these last few months have been/Completely insane/i’ve just needed sOmeone to Lean on/i was nEver sure/who i could trust/you didn’t eIther/i’m glad i found you when i did©/ how was your day/is what we aLways ask/hOnestly/i feel boring compared to you/so much more, eVerything,/happEns for you/i hate to annoY peOple/ and i hate feeling insecUre/but luckily i don’t feel insecure “around” you/©these last few months have been/completely insane/i’ve just needed someone To lean on/i was never sure/who i cOuld trust/you didn’t either/i’m glad i found you when i diD©//i feel like i’ve known you for more than a fEw months/i feel like i’ve known you for a few yeArs/we worry about each other/we have inside jokes/i can’T believe you live/Half way across the globe/©these last few these months have been/completely insane/i’ve just needed someone to lean on/i was never sure/who i could trust/you didn’t either/i’m glad i found you when i did©/i’m glad i found you when i did