Tell Me Something

Why can't you tell me,
the things you call pain?
And all these things you hate to say.
Can you tell me that I'm more to you then I think?
Hold me close and kiss my eyes,
this is all I want from you.
Make me feel there and real,
not apart of the wall.
What part of me really thought,
that you would love me like I use to love you?

And I'm tired of hating how you make me feel so useless.
How can you say all this about love,
when you act nothing like it.
The violins are broken,
I'm not playing any more of it.
Remember when we spent all that time in your car?
Just sitting and not caring who saw us laugh and smile?
What happened to that kind of time that we could be so open?
Forget it all, I'm not going to forget the feeling of my broken heart.

Tell me why exactly I'm listening to you?
All these things are slowly coming down.
I just can't wait til I see your ass walk away for the very last time.
When I need you most, you want to be alone.
Don't you see that you aren't the only one who's crying inside?
Forget it,
The pulse of this love is already dead.