
As she wandered through the fields, she grasped a new meaning of life,
The father she had always wanted was never to be there.
Doctor this and that, a stream of thoughts echoed into her mind,
I will find grace and asked the mother for my ways to find allowance.
It had only been a few hours since light had fallen from the sky.
Twisted were the branches as she walked in solitude towards the cottage.
SHe had geussed they were all sitting and laughing, the butterflies that she had seen earlier today had entered into her belly.
"I shall grasp any flavor that I can blame."
At this she reached the cottage entrance, a low hum of what she was to remember glistend in the thoughts of eye. She saw no real sturring within the cottage, heard no sounds of laughter or glee, only twitches of light through the corners of the window. Perhaps she was mistaken about coming towards the cottage in such late notice. She grapped he breast with invention and hammered forward.
"The crane has blown away my hat of justice"
"Perhaps I should gather the dust of my trinkits, hagh, hagh."
she heard the laugh and stepped forwar, looking in towards the fire.
"I can only geuss why she has went out assunder"
"She had gathered sticks and moss all day why pivot and such meaningless gribble."
The wind had begun to pick up as the spanish moss ross and twined through the breeze of the night.
"Perhaps if she were another child, we would not wonder such much, the likeness of kindered has polished her shoes."
The laughs began again, yet in this moment they were only her own.
Her knee felt the cold ground, and she wnated to enter the cottage but waited for more, and in half tone the response she had waited for suddenly arrose,
"Perhaps we she send her towards another town, full of grace and pity."
She swallowed her breast and made way towards the outer gate, the truth had been told, and the bundle of twigs she had gathered earlier arose from her pocket like a sign of gold to that of fintch. She clentched her fists and ran towards the falling creek.
" I should gather it would be towards her best interest, and we should help stay to guide her, a true bussom in the lap of luxury" was something she never heard.
As she ran with insanity and thougths of dellison her foot caught a branch nestled in the side of a tree. She tumbled and fell towards the creek, her head hit stone rock and cold, the sound of her skull crushed towards stone mimicked the sound of water gently pushing down from the water fall. Her lasts thoughts were of anything from wild and for anything she could find.
She was found the next day delirious and had no understanding of her whereabouts or who she was. The family thought the venture at the cottage would always do them good, in the case of Emily this proved false, she was from this point on totally out of reason. Every thought and command, every reasoning that she once had faltered in a state of something absurd. This perhaps was the moment that, the true moment that had taken the families life towards a turn, like the the river bank had done, once formed from creek to river, was like a spawn in Emillies now turrents of existance.
The last time she questioned her father about his own misgivings, she laughed and chuckled, "Perhaps find another pyscho-babilist-brainwasher to do your justice, I will only scamper my feelings away, dig dig dig, the dusty ground under wiitch I lay beyond.
These were the thoughts and ways that futhered there new life, the daughter they had once loved and charished had now turned to ash. Or so they thought, there was a man distinguished in his degrees that claimed all she needed was something to trigger the response, and she would come to once again.
Simply a trigger.
Something to sturr her brain back into being and the butterflies she once had in her sight in her stomach and now in her mind would dissappear.
"I have dug a grave for mankind" she whispered,"and a kind bud it is"

The dog whimpered as it made it's way around the courtyard, she was grabbing it's tail again as Father Emose came out of the house he gathered his glasses from the parlor and was about to make speach when he noticed her hands were tied. The knotts could never had been formed by herself, he dropped his glass of liquired Brandy, turned and asked Marria to telephone the authorities, there would be not time for answers just yet, simply the phone. He clutched his waiste band and slowly turned toward the girl.

-Towards the Tomb-
MVD 03/08/2009
Marvin G vanDam