Belief in Love, Fear in Reality

Every time you leave, the tears begin to shed. I can’t stand to watch you go, knowing that these moments are becoming more precious by the minute. You’re leaving. I want to go too. You hold me, squeeze me, and tell me everything’s okay. I wish it was that easy, but you continue to assure me. You kiss my wet cheeks, and whisper that you love me, and my heart melts. I believe you. My head is pounding with “what-ifs” but my heart is telling me to believe your words of hope. And I do. I try to guard my heart, but I’m already yours. You tell me this. You say you’re mine, that you love me. I believe this, how can I not? Reality blinds me, and causes fear to hold these thoughts of love and happiness at bay. I know that’s probably safer, but I can’t help it. I’m head over heels in love with you.