
Everyone wears a mask,
hiding themselves from the outside world
Afraid of what others will think,
not wanting to get hurt

We worry about the dumbest things,
like shoes and clothes
We'd pay hundreds of dollars for these things
just so we'd fit in or look better
Long ago we didn't have these things,
our only worry was survival
Why can't we go back to that time?

Everyone has deep dark secrets,
things to be ashamed of
We all have problems, some more serious than others
So why make things more complicated?

If there was no peer pressure,
no need to fit in
If these simple ordinary things were less intimidating,
then our lives would be just a little better

Does clothing and looks determine that much about a person?
Does it tell someone's past or accomplishments?
Do these things tell you how a person is really like inside?
From the looks of it, the answer to these questions is: yes
but does it have to be?