Kiss me again...

I've been missing you so terribly, my love,
both in my mind and where my heart used to be.
Now, as the memories flow through me,
all the wonderful times we had,
my body trembles and yearns to be near you.
Your touch, your taste, your smell,
I want it all back.
I wish to taste your sweet lips against mine,
never ending,
making my head spin and my lungs gasp for air.
I wish to be held in your strong, swift arms,
protecting me from the evil of the outside world.
I miss the feel of your flesh against mine,
lying beside you beneath the covers as you grip me tightly,
wishing to never let go.
Breathing heavily,
tasting your salt on my lips,
I miss it all.
I want it all.
Falling asleep in your arms as you whisper sweet words in my ears.
Promises of a future we both long for.
I live and breath off of those promises,
and pray every night they come true.
I love you, and want to share every moment with you.
I can't wait to see you again,
to touch your beautiful face,
look into your eyes,
and tell you all of these thoughts myself.
Till then, I must try to dim my burning desire for you,
or else I will lose it,
if I have not already, being without you for this long so far.
Time is supposed to fly when your having fun, and it did,
now it's taking it's time as I try to busy myself like I was when you were here.
Waiting for you.
Wishing to soon be able to relive these moments all over again and again.