
Its so tiring
Thinking about the sadness and pain
It scares me how much I care
How much they affect me
Should it be this way?
Is there something wrong with me?
Am I the only person they have influenced?
It feels like my heart is going to burst
Into a million little pieces
One minute I'm happy
Then the next
I’m as deep into the sadness as I have ever been
Missing them so much it hurts
I know this pain all too well
I need a break from it all
Do they feel the same way?
I wish I knew
They have been there for me through the toughest times
Will they continue to be there?
Or will they leave like all of the others?
Just when I need them most?
I’m probably just another person to them
But they are more then just a person to me
But I truly do hope I made a difference in the life of this person
And they see how much I care