
This fear
It's like no other
It makes me cry
It makes me mourn
Even though we haven't buried anything yet
It's a soul that's lost
Someone who just isn't the same
Doing things they normally wouldn't
Getting in trouble with the law
Running around at parties
Oh, how they love the high they get
They float above the rest of us
Everything is funny
Not to me
I'm afraid
I'm afraid for their health
I'm afraid for their lives
It can't be their hour yet
They haven't lived enough
They've only managed to make stupid choices
I try to help
They refuse
A knife stabs my already shrieking heart
I grow cold with worry
My heart skips beats
I'm out of ideas
No way to help them
Am I supposed to sit here and wait?
And let them die?
Watch them struggle with the addiction
Watch them cry tears of self-hate
They block me out
Won't let me in, won't let me help
The fear lingers
Static in the air
I try
They don't listen
I cry
They don't care
I refuse to give up
They roll their eyes
Please, make the fear end
Make them stop
Give them a mirror
Let them see what they have become
Please, I don't like the fear
I just want peace