Death is not the worst thing that could happen to us baby... we could have to live with the lies we cept from eachother...

Boy says: Honey I want you to be my Juliet and I want to be your Romeo...

Girl says: Then drink up your poison and I'll stick a knife through my heart. Wile your lying lifeless on the floor...I'll be killing myself saying as I do so "It was simply meant to be my dear" not "To death to us part" because I never said yes.

My love I send you this death note to aware you I cant live with you and your hopelessly lies. I cant also live without you and your loving, breathtaking eyes.

Dear Lovet,
To my dearest that I have sadly come to loath. You lost my trust, you lost my love. You've become useless, unlovable, unable to speak to. You killed me...and I plan to do the same to you.