Until the end

At the start of the morn that day brightly new,
With the sun shinning through with rays sky blue,
The cold seeping into my skin did freeze,
Turning light to dark from within the breeze.

Know now what I did not then see clearly,
I would not I think choose to end love dearly,
That broken day without my friend at hand,
My mind and will would not now bend but stand.

I chose on that day, like I choose right now,
To fight my battles and not kneel to bow,
Neither upon bended knee or on ground,
I refuse to give up the freedom once found.

Feeling upon my now shattered hearts shards,
Of nothing more than broken loved barbs,
Healing my wounds won’t start soon nor end long,
Hearing my slow, torn, mourning, new song.

I tell you now what I told my love then,
Closest to you will wield the mallet to end.