A Love Hate World

Just another word on the endless pages.
The history books show war,
They show crime, they show hate.
Love only shows up once or twice among the pages.

Everywhere I look it haunts me.
You can find it absolutely everywhere.
They sell it to our souls and show us it,
Making sure we are all one spiteful entity.

Love burns bright red on the black,
Trying to show everyone that there's hope.
A worthless thing tossed aside,
As it tries to redeem itself. But it can't.

Just another fantasy in my head
That will never make it into reality.
Everywhere I look is another cage,
Trapping me in all of the lies.

Every day I realize it over again.
I'm trapped and I can't break it.
I've tried, I have. But I can't.
The bars keep coming down on me again.

Everywhere I go, all I see is hate.
It puts me in chains and ties me down.
I tried breaking those bars, tried loving.
But whenever I smile, it burns.