Pictures of Neverland

Her name is Lily. She awakes to hear a bird, but nothing is there. She lies in bed and tries to remember. As if something has clicked in her mind, she has a sudden inspiration. She heads out her door and down the staircase. Calm and hopeful, she puts on her boots. Lily pushes through the screen door and into her yard, looking for anything that catches her eye. With camera in hand, she presses on, without a care in the world whether someone hears or sees her. She acts with a pensive mind. She knows it has no boundaries, no walls or borders to stop her. She's in her Neverland, where everyone is no one, and no one is hurt. In Neverland, she can only see its beauty, for it is never ugly or strange to her. Neverland is her safe-haven, and she is always welcome. Neverland will always call her name, and Lily will always answer. Her mind and her camera capture her Neverland, with no one to stop her. A simple leaf, the shadow of a tree, a wooden cradle on teh stump of a tree. A pile of rocks, a red wagon, all these things are a part of her Neverland. She can see the beauty in each one, no matter who questions her, and that's all that matters to her. Lily's Neverland is her one home, where no one can make her feel so lost or so dense. She reaches the one place that not even she has ever passed. Again, her bird calls for her, and the fence is the one border she has yet to ever encounter before. As harmless as it seems, it shows how far Lily can only go, how far she has ever gone. No one to stop her, no one hurt, past the fence she goes, towards unknown territory. She doesn't feel afraid or hesitant. Lily knows that all she wants is to be free, because who knows how long her hope can last? She knows her time is precious and to cherish everything because all she wants to do is take pictures of her Neverland. Forever.