The Fall

I walk out across the cold dirt to the edge of cliff over-looking the ocean
The wind blows my hair back from my face and golden curls fly back behind me
I close my eyes, breathe in deeply, and smile
I take one more step closer to the edge
Three more steps.
I open my mouth as the wind blows again
I can taste the salt on my lips and feel the water hit my face
I take another step closer
Two more steps.
I can feel the air blowing through me and pulling me upward
It tugs on my arms, begging them to fly
One more step.
I can hear his words in my ear
He whispers:
"Fly. My angel, my love, let go. I'll always be there. I'll always catch you. I promise."
My heart pulls me closer to the edge
I take the last step.
My toes push off the ledge and I'm flying
I'm weightless, I'm flying
I know, everything is going to be alright
Its all happening because it has to
I know this now