Mirror Image

My life slips by so slowly
And my mind works so fast
To fill my head up to the top
With bad memories of the past

My heart has now froze
Though it used to burn with fire
I’m sick of people going on at me
Do they ever tire?

My mind is in a different part
To the world in which am at
I’m oblivious to the people around me
And this chair in which I am sat

I hate my life so much
To be honest I want to die
But for now I just lie here
Lie here and cry

I’m sick of being second best
Standing out in the rain
Second best to all the rest
I cant take anymore pain

The tears overflow down my face
As I stare into the sky
But I think to myself
What good would it do to die

I hate this empty space
In my stomach it invades
I just hope that in time
It will stop growing and fade

Sometimes I do want to die
But I gaze up to the sky and think
What would they know?
But in my feelings I sink

The stars shine bright
And look over me
They help me to recognise
How beautiful life can be

So I fake a smile to them
And into the mirror I look
And curse to myself
My personality it took