How The Child Feels.

Every time I think of you,
The thoughts come racing back of the times.
Where you said no.
Where you messed up.
When you screamed names.

The little child looking into your eyes
Crying softly.
The child used to look up to you.
But now, it's a little to late for that.

The child just wanted to hear those three words.
That everyone wants to hear.

You say it.
But the child doesn't believe it.
You throw those words around like candy.
Like poison, Down the little child's throat.

I wish you the best of luck.
As you're fighting the lies for your life.
Alcohol and pain pills fill your system.
You scream and fight.

You don't seem to understand why the child is crying.
Or why the child is in pain.
You don't understand how bad it hurts her.
How bad you hurt her.

The child's filled with sadness.
The yelling needs to stop.
The fighting needs to stop.
The tears need to stop.

Oh, how the child just wants everything to end.
Her childhood is ruined.
A normal life?
The child will never find.

All the tears shed.
The anger built up.
The child just wants to scream and let
everyone know just how she really feels.

How the outside is so much different from the inside.
You see a happy as can be child.
Laughing and playing with her friends.
But what no one knows is how bad she hurts.
How she cries every night.

The child begs for attention.
For a little bit of love.
Oh, how she wants to say sorry for all the things she has done.
All the times she had messed up.
But no one will ever know.
How the child feels.

And to think, that child was me.