
Child, why are you so bitter
When such a beautiful world awaits?
Take a look outside
To the swaying trees and dancing flowers
To the fluffy clouds amongst the bluest skies
Take a peek outside yourself
And look at what you're doing to everyone else
They do not wish for your rejection
They wish only to see that smile so rare
Pass across your face like sunshine.

Child, look around you
Look at what awaits you
For you have more in this life than you expect
Bittersweet goodbyes and joyful tears
Do not lock yourself away
Unreachable to this beautiful world.

Child, give me the key
In the hopes I can release you from your prison
So you may see in yourself what I and others do
Your smile so bright when you allow it
Let it shine like never before
Like sunshine on the brightest day.

Child, allow me to help you
For I only want the best for you
I hope for you to taste what life has to offer
The goodness and sweetness of life's honey
Made for your enjoyment.

Child, you are wonderful
You may not see it now
Eventually you shall if you allow
So child, please come out of your cage
And play in life's joyous shadows.