In Your Eyes

When I look into your eyes
I see everything about you
I can tell so much by your gazes
Just by one peek.

Your eyes let your soul bleed out
Like the tears you cried when I broke your heart
They are an open book
And your soul makes up the words and lines.

Every day I used to read them
As I stared so deeply
My mind absorbed into your story
The twinkling inside urging me on.

I could stare into your star-filled eyes for hours
And never want to look away
I remember the day I broke your heart
As I spoke, the stars that were so bright
Like a lunar eclipse, all light disappeared
And what appeared, instead, was tears.

And I who used to read your eyes so easily
Could no longer see the words you wrote with your soul
Because you had loved me and lent me the key
To the diary that was your eyes
And I who broke your heart so badly
Watched you walk away so sadly.