The Beautiful Reflection

The way the sun reflects off your deep brown locks
It strikes in such a way as to bring out golden pieces
And colors that exist within that you never see under plain light
Enhancing the caramel tones that lie beneath the espresso
The way that light hits your hair
Makes your eyes seem totally different as well
The most brilliant flecks of gold can be found deep within your eyes
Though they were beautiful before
They cannot even compare to the topaz color they are now
It's like sunlight has transformed you
As you stand here on this beach, the sunlight pouring onto you
You are filled with another type of beauty
One that cannot be found in the darkest shadows of the night
Or in the cloudy grays of a rainy day
As we stand here together, you and I
Your hair blowing in the wind
The sun catching each strand in its translucent tendrils
Playing its light off of your beautiful hair
I cannot help but admire your beauty and get lost in your topaz eyes
As we stand here in the sunlight together, our hands intertwined
My eyes intertwined with yours.