I want you back.

I don't know if you ever cried,
like I cried for you.
I don't know if you loved me,
like I loved you.
I don't know if you ever cared about me,
Like I cared about you.
I don't know if you miss me,
Like I miss you.
I don't even know,
if you ever meant a word you said.
I don't know if it was all lies.
I don't know if you're flirting with me now,
or if you're like this to everyone.
I don't know if you miss me,
like you say you do when I say goodbye.
I don't know if you're just kidding,
and I don't know if I mean anything.
I don't know. At all.
I want to know,
and I want to ask you.
But I can't seem to get the words out of my lips.
I know,
for sure one thing.
I love you.
So much.
I miss you,
and I'm jelious you love her.
I care about you, more than you can even imagine.
I meant every word I said,
and the things I didn't say.
I hope you know.
I like to flirt with you,
You make me happy.
I just,
I want to be with you.

I miss you so much, it hurts.
I want to die.

What if,
Tell me.
What if,
the names they gave me.
"Suicidal Steph" fits?

It shouldn't.