I Long for Freedom

I long for freedom,
the freedom to run
toward the horizon
and not stop for anything.

I long for freedom,
the freedom to fly
up high with the birds
and not worry about falling.

I long for freedom,
the freedom to dance
all night under the stars
and not care what others think.

I long for freedom,
the freedom to dream
about anything and everything
and not need to wake up.

I long for freedom,
the freedom to be
what I want to be
and not what "They" want.

I long for freedom,
the freedom to leave
this prison I'm in
and not return for eternity.

I long for freedom,
the freedom to love
whoever I please
and not have to hold back.

I long for freedom,
the freedom to live
with happiness and joy
and not feel this pain.

I long for freedom,
the freedom to be free
to go anywhere
and not die tonight.

I long for freedom,
the freedom to see
you one last time
and not be afraid to say
that I love you
before my life is taken.