
i stand in the darkness,
i daren't move an inch
all thu bruises deep inside
are the things that make me flinch

i stare ahead just wondering
what is next to see
how much more darkness can i take
that coldness made a new me

I TAKE A DEEP BREATH as i close my eyes
and listen to the sounds
but there is no noise, i'm all alone
my heart begins to pound

i've never seen the sun set
or rise into the sky
but would i ever miss these things
if i were to die?

i've never swam so far out at sea
Nor climbed any mountain
i've never ran around chasing birds
or played in a fountain

how do i know i will miss these things
when my brain is already dead
how can i take back all the lies
or anything i said?

im still alone in my room
In my right hand there's a gun!
I pull the trigger...