High School Drama!

I’m sick of all the high school drama!
And all the petty things;
no one ever seems to be able to win.
I’m sick of all the stupid fights,
over stupid and silly boys!
No one has the strength to turn out the lights!
I’m through with being the bad guy no matter what I do.
No matter what I honestly say its never actually true!
At least not in the eyes of others.
Not in the eyes of my sisters and brothers.
No I don’t mean blood relations!
I mean the people, who are my friends,
The people who are meant to be here until the bitter end!
But if you want call me a bitch a slut and a whore to.
But to be honest I’m writing this in desperation.
I’m trying to do what’s right by everyone but my self.
I’m trying make others smile and putting my self on the shelf.
I never care about my self half the time I look a mess.
And its all because I care about everyone but my self.
So yeah I’m the bitch who broke you up.
But to be honest would it not have happened anyway.
But not at just a later day.
May be not tomorrow or a year from now.
But someday it would have happened and yet you still think me a cow.
So I’m sick of this high school drama!
And all these petty fights.
I’m sick of having to be blinded so I’m turning out the lights.
Maybe then I will see exactly who is there for me!
But until that time does come I’m giving up the high school drama.
And taking myself of the shelf and putting my self first for once.