
Who am I?
Someone only the distant people know,
not that happy, hyper girl that everyone close knows.
I'm sad alone depressed and upset.
But to who does that matter?

So what if I'm happy in way that no one but me would understand.

But then again, everyone has someone that cares,
for example, my friends.
They care about me and who I want to be.

They like,
love that I am different.
They love how I like to be an indivisual.

They love me for who I am,
they just don't know me in and out,
they only know the happy hyper girl I play.

So who does that make me?

That indivisual distant people know,
that happy, hyper girl everyone else knows.

I'm just me,
no one else, and,
I like it,
take me or leave me.