I Try

I try to write what I feel
On this paper with this pen
But it’s hard to what I feel
When my heart stops and feels like steel

I’ll give it my last shot
And try my best to express my feelings for you
The best I possibly can
I’ll give it all I got

Everytime I see you
I feel I could bounce off the walls
I talk my head off and feel crazy
Do you think I’m crazy too?

Even though I know I love you more
than life itself
I still try to be me around you
It’s hard to do when my heart begins to soar

And when you’re holding me in your arms forever
It really does feel like Heaven
Though I am burning inside
From all my feelings being put together

And when you’re upset and hurting inside
It only makes me hurt too
Because I can’t take your sadness away
All I can do is be by your side

You are the hope that keeps me alive
When I feel I’ve lost it all
I remember you’ll always be there
To believe in me and not let me hide

Sorry if I sometimes can’t find the words I want to say
A million things run through my brain
As I stand right in front of you
But I will be able to tell you one day

So here it is, I gave it my last shot
And tried to express my feelings for you
The best I possibly could.
I gave it all I got.

And as I put down my pen and this paper,
I’ll lay down and fall fast asleep
And dream of you tonight.
With you in my head, I’ll feel safer.