Written in the Stars

Everytime I look at you
And you look straight at me
With love shining through your eyes
I know true love is written in the stars.

Everytime I get that funny feeling
Straight from my heart
When I am thinking of you
I know true love is written in the stars.

Everytime we think the same thing
At the same time and it doesn’t
Just feel like coincidence
I know true love is written in the stars.

Everytime I feel upset
And feel my world is going crazy
All I need is your smile and
I know true love is written in the stars.

Everytime I think about kissing you
I get really nervous.
It’s only normal when you’re in love, because
I know true love is written in the stars.

Everytime you hold me close to you
And it feels like time could just fly
And I wouldn’t even know it
I know true love is written in the stars.

Everytime I think of our future
And I get butterflies in my stomach,
I can picture myself walking down that aisle to you, because
I know true love is written in the stars.