Little Angel

Long ago there was this angel.

This angel did not have a name; we called her "Concrete Angel."


You maybe asking... because this angel had lost her wings.. and seemed to have lost her smile many years ago.


You ask again... That's how we found this little angel, crying one day in the ice cold rain, the wind had a haunting chill to it that night... so long ago.

Then one day this "Concrete Angel" spoke for the very first time.

She asked a question we couldn't answer.

"Am I Alive, Why Am I Here?"

Hearing this question from this little girl... I didn't know what to say.

Nobody did.

Weeks passed and this little angel would sill ask the same saddening question; just walking around - even in the middle of the night, even in the middle of the rain, until she just stopped.

Stopped talking in all.

Before any of us noticed a year passed, "Concrete Angel" didn't talk again.

She walks through the graveyard ever night.

A lot of people don't know why.

One day in the middle of the night, the same graveyard the little angel walked through; caught a flame.

People gathered around the fire filled graveyard.

The little angel, in her white long gown was just standing there among the flames by a grave stone, just staring at it with tears in her eyes.

The fire men came and put out the flames.

The sun broke the silence and darkness as it rose above the horizon.

But after that day there was no sight of the "Concrete Angel" anywhere in this town.

But people say they've seen here sitting by a gravestone in the same graveyard.

I go there everyday to say "Hello" to our now smiling angel, who has found her wings.