Time to Wake up Sweetie

"Knock! Knock! Come on in,
The doctor will see you now."
So scared,
This little girl,
In a big bad world.
With no where to turn,
But to the razor or the gun.
She cries herself to sleep,
And dreams of nothing but you.
So helpless,
From a distance,
I watch.
Tears scream,
There's nowhere to go.
She's running from her head.
Since when has hell,
Became so scary?
So many places,
But nowhere to hide,
Especially from yourself.
You hardly even care.
She whispers help,
She can't do it alone.
Reaching out,
But nothing to grab,
She falls far,
Into this hole of nothing.
Never gonna escape.
So she closes her eyes,
And falls asleep.
No more problems,
She drifts away.