The Show

He was taking her to a show,
for what she didn't know.
However, when she arrived, she became very confused.
Men sitting in a circle, in a corner was a woman, battered and bruised.

"What the hell? What show is this?"
"Why, a show you'll put on for us. I thought you knew that, Miss."
"What kind of show? What are you talking about?"
She tried to escape, her head filling with doubt.

But a man, with a strong aroma of beer, pulled her back in,
he said, "do it, or you'll end up like our little friend."
She looked at the girl in the corner, shaking and weeping,
and she knew that she had to do it, her own life she would be keeping.

She climbed up on the table, feeling so weird.
A mixture of sadness, hatred, and of course, pure fear.
She took off her clothes and started to dance.
The men howled and hooted, in a sexual trance.

She knew the other girl had done this moments before,
but apparently she had stopped before they got what they were looking for.
So now she sat, beaten and bloody,
the cops were already rushing in, working on overtime money.

For the second woman was an undercover cop,
and finally everyone was there. Cops, even S.W.A.T.
But help came too late for the other beaten girl.
She had been a young prostitute, giving that life a whirl.

But obviously that life wasn't so great,
she had bled to death, sealing her fate.