conversation of the opposites

"cool": emo, emo why so sad?
emo: everything in my life seems so bad
"cool": why not try slit your wrist?
emo: the blood in my body isn't worth the risk.

"cool": why oh why do you care?
emo: because my life already isnt fare
"cool": then you should be someone you are not
emo: my actions wouldnt count they would clot

to understand someone you don't know,
don't judge them first or judge them low.
dont try to change or convince them much,
its not right to change bye anothers touch.

you can tell us what to wear,
but that doesnt mean we will care.
but you cant tell us how to act,
because just think first of how we react.

you take my life by the handle,
burn it down like a candle.
tear the emotions out of my soul,
but theres no reward written on a scroll.

no ones perfect but no excuse,
some things these people introduce.
are nasty mean and uncalled for,
so i ask for these things to happen no more.