Does anyone know the best way to die?
Don't ask me questions, and don't ask me why.
I'm gonna go in my room and lock the door;
because I just can't take this anymore.
Should I hang myself from the ceiling
'til I lose all my feelings?
Or maybe let my blood be displayed
by choosing the sharp simple blade?
I could always overdose,
but what if it doesn't come even close?
A gun would be no fun.
It would be much too loud,
and surely bring a crowd.
I'm falling apart, with an unfixable heart.
I want to be on the floor
when they crash through that door.
My body simply a dummy,
for my mommy and my daddy.
I want them to curse me out for not opening the door,
then as I lay there, they fall to the floor.
Heaven or Hell, I don't care.
How do you know that they are even really there?
Then they can live, forever knowing the last things they said;
causing me to lay,
crying in my bed.
And now, it's just the end.