5 Second Poems

I - Untitled

Cry a silent tear,
thinking of dark times.
Hear the whispered word of a friend,
and remember.

II - Prayer

Guardian Angel,
Watch where I lay.
No where to go,
Can you show me the way?
Lead me to safety,
and hear when I pray,
Can you help me today?

III - Morning

Morning is torn,
by instruments of darkness.
And unnatural tomorrow,
is called by an other worldly sunrise,
Dripping with the blood of night.

IV - Thoughts

I run my path,
Laugh in the face of dark times,
Fight my obsticles with grace and charm,
And bask in the light of happiness.

Never stop moving,
live everyday like it's my last,
laugh it off,
Never afraid to be a crazy.

I am ready for the world.

But is the world ready for me?

V - A Sign

The sweet smell of Earth rises to our noses,
as the rain drips down the ice of gray days,
clamouring on the tin rooves,
keeping time to the rhythm of our hearts,
the beat of the song of the world,
sung by the songbirds with snowflakes on their wings,
calling their brothers home.