
When time has passed, the echo fades,
The shattered glass, the mirror breaks,
The pouring tears fall down your face,
Remembering a different place.

A splintered wrist, a broken jaw,
A child reaching for a cupboard door,
The pain dies out; pills numb all,
A rolling red river stains a whitened wall.

A blade grasped tightly against ones wrist,
The realisation you won’t be missed,
Tears falling racing towards the ground,
No sobbing, no gasping not a sound.

Blinding red, flashes down your arm,
Writing my own love charm,
A child crying in the night,
The anger building up inside.

Released at once, the tip of pain,
Red raw flowing down the drain,
The drip, drip, drip as you tidy up,
And avoid death one more time.

Cold against your red raw skin,
Carving out the words ‘Where did it all begin?’